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Actress Lolo: Why my marriage failed

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    Nollywood actress and media personality, Omotunde Adebowale-David, popularly known as Lolo1, has revealed that her marriage crashed because “life happened.”

    The single mother of four said her experience of marriage was more or less a “make or mar situation.”

    She spoke in a recent interview with TVC.

    “Well for me, life happened. A lot of times people go into marriage with a little bit of understanding of what they really are going into. And they don’t have a clear picture. Unfortunately, their lives unfold during the marriage and it is like a make-or-mar situation. I think that’s what happened to me,” she said.

    The comedienne said her journey into radio from law was unplanned. She said she had always loved the media, stressing that she thought she was going to be a television presenter but radio found her.

    She said she went to look for a job at a television station and she was sent to a media training school where she fell in love with radio presenting.

    She also disclosed that she earns more money from her job as a compere compared to acting and radio presenting.

    The 46-year-old law school graduate is also planning to join the music industry and start touring.


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    Author: Amanda Robinson

    Last Updated: 1703195403

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    Author information

    Name: Amanda Robinson

    Birthday: 1944-02-19

    Address: 698 Wood Locks, Wangbury, SD 88095

    Phone: +4177476690581845

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Horseback Riding, Cycling, Quilting, Yoga, Stamp Collecting, Embroidery, Beekeeping

    Introduction: My name is Amanda Robinson, I am a honest, unreserved, ingenious, accomplished, dear, frank, brilliant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.