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NE Portland dog attack results in woman injured and 6-year-old boy dead

Published: Dec. 5, 2023 at 5:18 PM PST

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6-year-old boy killed, woman injured in dog attack in NE Portland.


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VIDEO: 6-year-old boy killed, woman injured in dog attack in NE Portland
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A major announcement for the future of Portland. Commissioner Carmen Rubio presented a proposal for how hundreds of millions of dollars in in extra funding will be available over the next five years.


Article information

Author: Brandon Werner

Last Updated: 1702600681

Views: 634

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Author information

Name: Brandon Werner

Birthday: 1931-01-02

Address: 58401 Robert Stravenue, Doyleville, NH 77629

Phone: +3892867614387347

Job: Teacher

Hobby: Board Games, Card Collecting, Camping, Card Games, Running, Skateboarding, Beer Brewing

Introduction: My name is Brandon Werner, I am a brilliant, sincere, Adventurous, persistent, cherished, priceless, unyielding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.